Change Your Money Perspective

Money Misunderstood: From Frustrated to Free

April 22, 20246 min read

"What comes out of your mouth comes into your life." – Jen Sincero from "You Are a Badass at Making Money"

In today's world, money is an essential yet often misunderstood aspect of our lives. Many people experience frustration and negativity due to financial constraints, not realizing that their focus on these issues can exacerbate their troubles. This article explores how shifting our perspective on money—from viewing it as a bad or  evil to recognizing it as a tool for freedom and opportunity—can profoundly impact our happiness and effectiveness in life. 

As motivational expert Tony Robbins says, 'Where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you're focusing on grows.' This means that what you concentrate on can shape your reality. Therefore, it's crucial to stop dwelling on negative thoughts, which only attracts more negativity and instead, focus on your aspirations and positive outcomes regarding money. A healthier way to think about money is to see it as a tool that can help you create the life you desire, focusing on the opportunities and abundance it can bring, rather than the lack of it.

Financial Freedom

The Ever-Present Importance of Money

It shocks me that money, which we use every single day—even if we don't leave our beds, we're still incurring expenses—is so important to our daily lives, whether we like it or not. If you're living in today's world, anywhere on planet Earth, you need money.

Unraveling the Stigma Around Money

Yet, we've stigmatized it to an extent that has significantly contributed to widespread struggles. Where did this mindset begin? Maybe it was our parents who taught us that “money is evil”, and “money doesn't grow on trees”. These were the ideas that were passed down from their parents, and so on. I love Jen Sincero’s #1 New York Times bestselling book, "You Are a Badass at Making Money". If you haven’t read it, do. She is relatable and funny as she teaches valuable money lessons. In her book she says, "Money is the root of all evil is bullsh*t. Money is the root of all freedom. The more you have, the more options you have." I couldn’t agree more.

The Dual Nature of Money

Some people do bad things to get money, but we don't talk enough about the people who do good things with their money and make others happy. We usually only think about the bad parts of having money, and because of that, a lot of people have trouble with money.

But, money really is just a tool. Money is currency and currency is energy. It’s just flowing energy. There’s no reason to be against it. I don’t know why money gets such a bad rap.

Money as a Catalyst for Positive Change

Money is fantastic. It allows you to do great things for yourself, for others, and for the planet. Money gives you choices. It can help you leave a job you dislike or a bad marriage. Money means freedom. If you focus more on all the positive things you can do with money instead of complaining and feeling like a victim, you'll notice positive changes in your life.

Money and Freedom

I'll always remember the season in my life when my marriage was struggling. On top of all our other issues, my spouse and I couldn't see eye to eye on money matters—one of us liked to save, the other liked to spend. Despite the differences, I made sure to squirrel away savings whenever possible. In the end, it was this nest egg that gave me the courage and means to step away from a relationship that was no longer healthy. That decision was tough, but it allowed me to start fresh and provide for my children on my own terms. Looking back, I'm profoundly thankful for those savings. They didn't just represent money; they were my lifeline to freedom and new possibilities.

Research Insights: Money and Happiness

In our article, 'The Quest for Happiness: More Than Just a Number in Your Bank Account,' research shows that after our basic needs are covered, more money doesn't greatly increase happiness. Two important points stand out from this: first, it's crucial for our well-being to be able to meet our basic needs; second, while money itself may not make you happy, it's definitely possible to have both money and happiness. Also, by working toward financial goals and big dreams, you discover your true capabilities and find fulfillment in reaching your potential in life.

Imagine a World with Wealthy Good-Doers

Imagine if all the good people on Earth had plenty of money. Think about the healers and helpers who dream of world peace and love. If these kind-hearted, selfless individuals were wealthy, they could significantly influence and help make the world a better place. Having money amplifies your voice and enables you to make a difference in ways that truly matter to you. Money isn't everything, but it certainly makes it easier to achieve the things that light up your heart.

Five Strategies to Reframe Your Financial Perspective

Try these five practical strategies to refocus your energy to healthier ways to think about money effectively:

1.Change Your Money Mindset: Begin by reframing how you think about money. Recognize it not as a source of evil, but as a tool for freedom and opportunity. Embrace the notion that having more money can increase your choices and abilities to make significant changes in your life and the lives of others. Learn more from our article “5 steps to create a new money belief”.

2. Visualize Your Financial Success: Regularly visualize achieving your financial goals. This practice not only motivates you but also aligns your subconscious mind with your financial aspirations, making it easier to make decisions that propel you towards these goals. Learn more in our article “Create a Vivid Vision” (Shine Light on Your Money Dreams with a Vivid Vision).

3. Set Clear Financial Goals: Clearly define what financial success looks like for you. Whether it's saving for retirement, investing in your education, or starting a business, having specific goals will guide your financial decisions and help you measure your progress. Read more in our article, Set Powerful Money Goals - Set Powerful Money Goals.

4. Focus on Positive Outcomes: As Tony Robbins suggests, focus your energy on positive financial goals rather than dwelling on fears or negative beliefs about money. This shift in focus will attract more positive outcomes and help you harness the energy of money in beneficial ways. Consider the ways you could use financial resources to contribute to your community or causes you care about.

5. Educate Yourself Financially: Read books like Jen Sincero’s "You Are a Badass at Making Money" to gain insights and practical advice on managing and growing your finances. Education is a powerful tool for overcoming fear and stigma associated with money.

Let's challenge the stigmas surrounding money and embrace it as a means to create the freedom and life we desire. As we transform our money mindset, we not only improve our own circumstances but also contribute to a better and more prosperous world.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not financial advice and is for informational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified financial professional before making any financial decisions.

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